Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Close Up Grave Flower Engraving

For details on where this image comes from see my other more wordy blog here

Place and Memory is on at Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, Leeds, 10am til 3pm every day til Saturday 19th October - admission free 

Monday, 7 October 2013

Inside the Chapel - St George's Fields

View from inside the non denominational Chapel at St George's Fields -
now a bookstore for the University library.
With thanks to the University Library Staff who gave me access to the building.

 Place and Memory Exhibition is at Holy Trinity Church on Boar Lane, Leeds from 12th - 19th October 10am til 3pm every day except Sundays - free admission.

Friday, 4 October 2013

St George's Field - Close Up

A close up of the laid flat gravestones used as pathways - seems wrong to walk on them.....

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Another image for you to mull over.....

Digital print - taken in film grain mode on Lumix, 
at Templeworks last Halloween. Skeletal toy - blog owners own.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Close up of wrought iron gate, rust and cobwebs taken on 35mm b+w colour process film 14.9.13 at Ledstone Hall during the Heritage Open Day.